I want to take a moment to express my appreciation to you. We’re going to connect throughout the month through the inspiration and lessons of faith I will be sharing.
Faith in God means different things to different people. Our faith experiences are not locked into a one-way system. Sometimes believing God and His revealed promises are a no-brainer. Other times, faith is hard to figure out.
Whatever the case, I have found one thing to be true: God is faithful even when I am not. This truth says more about God’s worth and makes me less inclined to trust in myself.
So in these inspirational blogs, I will be very careful to present God in such a way that we will deepen our love, appreciation and adoration for Him.
Starting out, I have no editorial calendar of topics to share. I just wanted to get started. Get connected. Some of the blogs will be based on portions of Keep Turning the Pages.
I am eager to get down to the business of talking about and talking up living by faith in the God who is worthy.