Resurrecting Evidence

Verse Vibe: “And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins,” 1 Corinthians 15:17 (NLT).

Easter also referred to as Resurrection Sunday has passed. The celebration of Jesus as the Risen Lord is the believer’s joy and assurance that God’s power has defeated sin and death. Anyone who believes and trusts this power acknowledges Jesus died and rose again. “Jesus is alive!” is often and literally praised to the rooftops, and rightly so. 

As believers we know our sins could not be dealt with any other way. We also know Jesus’ suffering and sacrifice paid the debt we owed but were bankrupt to pay. Jesus did this on our sinful behalf yet without a trace of sin within His being.

Multiple infallible or convincing proofs (Acts 1:3) verify Jesus’ resurrection. The angel’s announcement to the women visiting what turned out to be the empty tomb, (Matthew 28:1-7). The Gospel of Mark chapter 16 summarizes various appearances at different times to different individuals and groups. Likewise, the Book of Luke (chapter 24) reiterates Jesus’ appearances. In John chapter 20, Christ’s resurrected body is the focus of conversations during separate appearances to Mary Magdalene, the disciples as a group and then individually to Thomas.

An additional compelling record of Jesus’ appearance is in 1 Corinthians 15:6 — to over 500 individuals at a single time.

So let us add more to our beliefs than the outcome which undoubtedly deserves celebrating what God has done. He raised Jesus from the dead. We believe, praise and honor God because Jesus is alive again. However, our belief is rooted in the evidence presented in the scriptures and that evidence should not be buried.

Be encouraged to examine the evidence in God’s word. Be eagerly empowered to share that evidence as you tell others “Jesus is alive.” Resurrect the evidence.

Until next time, keep the faith.
